is currently one of the hottest games on mobile right now. It is a top downloaded game and provides an excellent challenge for anyone who tries to survive the giant zombie hoard. With that being said, it can be slightly confusing to understand how to use all the tools in the game to the best of your abilities. Hopefully, this guide will make your life a little easier and your gaming experience with a little more enjoyable. Here at our top 5 tips to advance in
Tip #1: Get the free stuff!
Like most mobile games, getting your free daily chests, coins, and gems (usually by watching ads) is highly recommended. It is annoying to have to watch the ads but hey after 30 seconds you get some gear you did not have and the more gear you get the better off you are. It doesn’t always seem like a lot but trust me, the longer you play the game the more this adds up. When you continually open chests, get coins, and collect gems they will start to add up. When you get gems you can open up S Grade Supplies Crates (see below for more details about opening your gems).

Tip # 2: Avoid the crowds
I know this may sound simple enough and you are thinking “of course avoid the crowd’s you idiot!” but hear me out on this one. If zombie hoards are running towards you and you stand still even for 3 seconds you will find yourself dead. This is a situation where there is no shaming in running and living to fight another day. You need to look for the crease or little space in between zombies that you can get through without being touched. The more you are consistently running the better off you are going to be at avoiding the large zombie hoards. It feels wrong to leave all the loot behind but keep running and looking for chests. Once in a while they will have a magnet in them and then you will get all that loot you left all at once. Let me be clear, you do not need to be running all the time but once the hoards start coming and it gets overwhelming…it’s time to ditch that popsicle stand and move on.
Tip # 3: MERGE
This is not a new concept to games but sometimes people forget to merge their items. Merging equipment and weapons is one of the fastest ways to get your items that you like/enjoy using to the next tier. It is a complete necessity to merge items if you want to advance to higher levels and not absolutely hate life while doing it. There are plenty of merge trees posted online that will show you what you can upgrade your gear too. Just don’t forget about merging because it will make your life much easier.

Tip # 4: Use Promo Codes
Getting promo codes is not as simple in as it is in other games. First, there is no simple way to do it in game. You must go to the official redemption page. Once on the redemption page you are going to need to enter your Player ID. The way to find your player ID is to go into the settings menu (make sure you are under the Battle tab at the bottom) and then at the bottom it should have your player id there (there should also be a clickable link to copy your id number, so you don’t have to type it out on the redemption page. Then you are going to type (or paste if you copied it) your player ID on the website, then type the code that you have and the verification code (this is the code on the page next to the verification code section with the squiggly line through it. It looks just like the “I am not a robot” number test. After you enter the code, it should place it into your account mailbox in your game. There are a lot of codes that do not work posted out there. Click here to see our list of verified codes currently active.
Tip # 5: Spend your gems
Gems are a big component in this game. In fact, you end up getting a lot of gems throughout playing the game (see do your daily rewards above). The issue when you get a ton of gems that most people experience is “what is the best way to spend all these gems?” The answer is simple. Spend your gems on S Grade Supplies Crates. There is an option to open 10 crates at the cost of 2680 gems. This is where you want to spend them. For each 10 you open you get one excellent piece of equipment. On top of that for every 50 you open (50 chests not 50 times you open 10) you get an S grade tier excellent piece of equipment. You are going to want to collect these as fast as possible otherwise you hit a wall in the game and it becomes very difficult to advance. If you are like me and you want to be cheap and not spend your money…this is the best way to go about it.
Use these 5 tips to help yourself take full advantage of the game. We hope they have been helpful. Also, if you are new to the game we have created a beginners guide simply for getting past the first couple of levels. When we started this game, we found the first couple levels to be a challenge and didn’t know how to beat them. Once you get past the first couple…the game opens up a lot more. So, click here to go to that guide. Good luck and have fun!